How to Have the Best Wedding

I've photographed over 400 weddings and every one of them have been different! There are, however, a few suggestions that may help make your day truly exceptional.

First and foremost, the more prepared you are, the smoother your wedding will go. The devil really is in the details. When it comes to planning, it helps to go through everything systematically and don't be afraid to delegate! Visualizing your day from start to finish also helps. All you should worry about on your wedding day is getting married.

Organic Moments
Let the moments in your wedding happen organically. It'll mean that much more when it's personal to you. It's easy to get lose yourself in Pinterest boards and Instagram accounts but don't forget that it's your wedding! Use resources as inspiration for your wedding instead of trying to reproduce what others have done for theirs. BE YOU!

Roll with the Punches
No matter how carefully planned your wedding might be, things won't always go the way you want. And you know what? That's totally okay! There's a term called "wabi-sabi" in Japanese aesthetics which basically means perfection in imperfection. It's better to let your story unfold and enjoy your day than it is to fixate and stress.

I photographed one wedding where the person in charge of the rings had lost one. That person was devastated but it broke the tension and made the ceremony that much more fun. (The ring was eventually found in a field)

Timing is Everything
It might seem like a long day, but in reality it flies by. Schedule your day accordingly by investing more time in things that matter to you and less elsewhere. I almost always provide a shoot schedule that helps break down your day into chunks so you have a better sense of where your time is going. The more guests you have, the more time management matters!

Place yourself in situations that make you happy. If something doesn't make you happy, have someone else do it! Your vendors are happy to help and lend their expertise (at least I am), and of course so are your bridal party, friends, and family.

Wedding planning is difficult and can be overwhelming at times. Don't be afraid to ask for help and don't take things too seriously. Remember what the day is about and enjoy!