The Importance of an Engagement Session

An engagement session might seem like an unnecessary additional cost but it’s value goes beyond the resulting pictures. I always recommend an engagement session to my couples and here are some reasons why:


Save The Date
If your engagement session is far enough in advance of your wedding day, you could definitely use professional pictures for your save the dates. I recommend having your engagement session about a year in advance of your wedding date so that you have enough time to print and send out the save the dates.

Pictures for Display
Whether on your wedding day at your workplace, or in your home, engagement session pictures can be framed and put on display to add a personal touch. It fills my heart with joy when I arrive at the reception and photographs from the engagement session are displayed everywhere. It really ties in the look and feel of the wedding to see actual pictures of the couple.

PRO TIP: Consider a style of photography that contrasts from your wedding. For example, if your wedding is in the city, have your engagement session in a more natural setting. Alternatively, you could go for the same look and feel to complement your wedding as well!


Unlike your wedding day, the engagement session is much more flexible. You’re not locked into a date so if the weather isn’t what you wanted or something comes up, you can always reschedule. It’s a more casual session so you don’t have to worry about making mistakes or keeping to a schedule.

You’ll likely spend most of the wedding day in a dress or formal wear so an engagement session is a great way to express yourselves creatively and go for different looks. I always recommend my couples bring a couple of wardrobe changes: one formal and one casual, to vary the look of their pictures. But go wild! Make it a Harry Potter theme or Game of Thrones. Dress up in costumes. Bring props. The sky’s the limit!

In my opinion, if for nothing else, this is the most important reason why a couple should consider adding an engagement session to their wedding photography package. It’s not ideal for the couple when I show up on their wedding day and start taking pictures of them only for them to feel awkward and not know what to do. The engagement session, to me, is a chance for me to teach the couple what poses work best and for them to get used to being professionally photographed. That way, when it’s time for the big day, there are no surprises.